Environmental MP3 Music    by Wayne Simister

Delicate Arch

Heartbeat of Arches
mp3 music compositions by Wayne Simister
Inspired instrumental music inspired by Arches National Monument

NOTE:  This music is copyright free.  You are most welcome to use it in your productions.

One of the most memorable events was an early morning rise at Arches National Monument in Utah.  Before the crack of dawn, the family arose to briskly walk out on sandstone rock to watch a sunrise near Delicate Arch.

So memorable was this experience, that it inspired me to write a series of pieces which would refresh my memory of this event.  A group of students from a nearby college were also gathered around to watch the sun slowly creep up behind a backdrop of distant mountains, clouds, and the immediate darkened red cliffs of Arches.

Below are the pieces that express in music, that wonderful memory:

mp3 piece:  Sunrise at Delicate Arch 5:26
mp3 piece:  Arches 3:23
mp3 piece:  Canyon Overlook 2:41
mp3 piece:  Arches Campsite 1:54
mp3 piece: Cove of Caves 4:20
mp3 piece: Garden of Eden 4:06
mp3 piece:  Landscape Arch 3:29
mp3 piece:  Marching Men 3:28
mp3 piece:  Three Gossips 3:03
mp3 piece:  Parade of Elephants 3:32
mp3 piece:  Sunset 4:04
mp3 piece:  Star Filled Night 5:23

Contact me:  [email protected]